What can I, or my child, expect to gain from completing the Davis Dyslexia Correction® program?

The basic tools of literacy, including

  • the ability to recognize and correct perceptual distortions at will
  • the ability to focus attention
  • increased self-confidence and skill in reading and writing
  • a successful method of learning that can be used throughout life
How is the Davis Program different from other programs?

The Davis methods address the root cause of learning disabilities. The client learns how to control disorientation at will, and how to permanently resolve what causes disorientation. The Davis program uses the creativity and natural learning style of the client, so that learning is meaningful. Most other programs address only the symptoms of dyslexia, and rely on drill and repetition, which dyslexics often find boring and ineffective. Many remedial programs have pieces of what we do, but no other program puts it all together.

Why do you say correct instead of cure?

Cure implies sickness or medical problem. We do not believe the dyslexic way of thinking is something that needs to be cured. In fact, we believe it is to be celebrated. We correct only the learning disabilities by bringing the visual-spatial processes under the conscious control of dyslexic individuals and teaching them how to use their natural gifts to learn effectively.

How much improvement can be expected at the end of a five-day program?

Children typically increase by one or two grade levels in reading or some other basic skill. Older children and adults often experience a gain of several grade levels. Age, previous experience, and motivation are factors in the rate of success. Future progress is determined by motivation, support, completion of follow-up work, and continued use of the tools and techniques learned in the program.

What exactly is the “follow-up” work?

The client must master over 200 “trigger words”, the little abstract words that require mental images in order to be processed efficiently. This is done using clay to make models of the words, following the procedure taught during the program. At the rate of five words per week, this can be accomplished within one year. Training is provided on the last afternoon of the program week for the person(s) who plan to help the client with this work. The program fee includes:

  • Student Symbol Mastery Kit (dictionary, clay, charts, and other study aids)
  • One week of one-on-one correction program
  • Suppport Training for helper(s)
  • Up to three follow-up visits with the facilitator
  • Unlimited telephone and e-mail consultations
Can I speak with someone who has completed the program?

Certainly. We can fax or e-mail you a list of people who have agreed to share their experience. The list tells you the age of the client and date of program completion.

Why are there so many terms to describe learning disabilities?

No two dyslexic people display the same set of characteristics. Some are more affected in the visual domain, so they may be diagnosed with visual perceptual problems. Some are more affected in the auditory domain, so may be diagnosed with auditory perceptual problems or central auditory processing deficits. Some are more affected in the motor domain, so may be diagnosed with sensory integration dysfunction or dyspraxia. Some may display more symptoms of attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. It is somewhat like several people trying to identify an elephant by touching one part of the animal, each calling it by a different name. Researchers have spent years trying to identify what part of the brain is involved in each of the various manifestations of learning disabilities. Now that we understand the process involved in these manifestations, we can address each one through the appropriate part of the Davis Correction procedures.

Before we found you, we had spent years, and lots of money, trying many programs and strategies. Why didn’t anyone ever tell us about the Davis program?

The Davis methods did not come out of a well-funded university research program. They developed out of one dyslexic person’s determination to discover what was causing his own dyslexia, and how to fix it. Word has spread rapidly, considering that it has all been from the grass roots up. But Davis’ first book, “The Gift of Dyslexia”, was only published in 1994. All Davis facilitators have been trained by Ron Davis, or by people he has trained to carry on his work. It is taking the educational and psychological establishment time to accept this radical approach to understanding and treating learning disabilities and ADD.

What is the success rate?

Thousands of children and adults have been through the Davis Dyslexia Correction Program with a 97% success rate.

Is there any research to support the Davis methods?

There is a growing body of research supporting Davis’ theory that there are two main methods of thinking: one is the visual-spatial thinking we associate with dyslexia, and the other is auditory-sequential thinking. Dr. Linda Silverman of the Gifted Development Centre in Colorado has researched this area extensively in her work with highly and profoundly gifted children. She found through her work that most children with extremely high IQs are also strong visual-spatial learners. She also found that the majority of highly gifted visual-spatial learners had difficulty with reading or tasks involving auditory-sequential thought processes. You will find information about her work here: http://gifteddevelopment.com/VSL_htm

Research into various aspects of the Davis Dyslexia Correction program is ongoing; new developments and results can be found at www.dyslexia.com/experience .

Additional research comes from Davis Learning Strategies® (DLS). DLS, using slightly modified Davis Dyslexia Correction techniques, was developed for use in regular classrooms with all children from Kindergarten-Grade Three. In pilot classrooms over six years of research, results included:

…reaches all students, resulting in significantly improved sight vocabulary and comprehension compared with controls;

…helps teachers manage classrooms more effectively;

…is easy to implement and flexible;

…eliminated need for special education placement for at-risk students;

…gifted education placement for pilot classrooms exceeded national averages.

For more information please visit www.davislearn.com.


Learn how our Programs work! Dyslexia, Autism, Attention Mastery, Math, Stress.


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Frequently Asked Questions

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